Hello there, people! I'm Andrew Robinson, and this is a brand new site for a brand new Florida Writers Association (FWA) group. Sadly, we lost Rik Feeney in December of '21. He will be greatly missed as he was a great guy, a good friend, and the driving force behind the Orlando FWA Group. Well, I'm going to try and pick up where he left off. Got some big shoes to fill and I don't know how well I'll do, but I'm going to give it a shot. To that end, I'm having a meeting of the new Orlando Group in March. Here are the details for the meeting:
Tuesday March 15th, 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm
Collaboration Room 3
Winter Park Library
1052 West Morse Blvd
Winter Park
Launch of new FWA Group, presentation by Andrew Robinson, Group Leader:
“The Three Things Your Story Needs to Make it a Compelling Page Turner”
Anyone interested, please feel free to attend. The meeting is open to the public.
Hope to see you there!
Look forward to my first time attendance.