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Next Meeting


We are NOT meeting at The Maitland Public Library, 6:30 to 8:30, Thursday August 8th. The date and time will be the same, but not the location. Instead, it will be a Zoom meeting. Representatives of Acron Publishing, located in San Diago, CA will do a presentation on:


Demystifying Publishing Options


The road to publication involves understanding what your publishing options are. Writers often have a single-minded dream of selling their projects to traditional publishers and becoming bestselling authors. In reality, there are many other options, and it can be overwhelming to understand where your book would find its best fit in the publishing spectrum.


To help you sort this out, Holly Kammier will discuss the pros and cons of the five main publishing options today:


Traditional Publishing

Small Publishers


Vanity Press

Hybrid Publishing


Gaining a working understanding of the range of publishing options will facilitate reaching your goal of successful publication.


When we get closer to the meeting date, they'll send me a Zoom link, and I'll send it to everyone via email. I hope you'll join us.


Are you interested in the Florida Writers Association (FWA)? Do you want to learn more about writing in general, network with other authors, and work to improve your writing and maybe help them? Then this is the group for you!


To learn more about FWA, here is a link to their website: Home (


To learn more about this group and participating in meetings, fill out the contact sheet and/or check the blog. Upcoming meetings will be listed there along with info about the speaker. If you'd like to make a presentation at a future meeting, let me know, and give a little blurb about what you'd like to speak on. Meetings run about two hours, so tailor your lecture accordingly.



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